ATTENTION we now have FREE SHIPPING from €30 and SALES on Truck Classic CAPS

Our mission

To avoid the shortage of truck drivers in Europe, Liontack aims to offer high-quality recruitment, training and consulting services. The trucking profession is not as intimidating as it seems and you should start loving yourself.

We want everyone to see this profession and begin to value themselves as they deserve, especially young people!

Our vision

At Liontack, we support truck drivers. Liontack belongs to the N-Way group of companies whose mission is to empower and support the professional truck driver through independent carrier service providers and our network of companies dedicated to meeting the needs of the professional truck driver.

N-Way is a group with a massive reach and presence on social media. Our digital footprint has allowed us to expand our reach, so that we can help other truckers to look for work, facilitate their work through our apps, evaluate routes and decide if a job is suitable, decide where to stay overnight thanks to collaboration of the community ...

N-Way wants to help the trucker to advance in his profession and make us feel proud.

We go with you!

Empowering women and men in the trucking industry through education, community and training!


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